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What Should You Do if Your Implants Rupture?

Posted June 11, 2019 in Implants Rupture

Breast implants are known to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts to make them appear perkier. However, like most things, implants are not meant to last forever. Implant rupture or leakage can cause the breasts to deflate and lose their attractive appearance. While some women may notice an issue right away, others may not realize their implants have ruptured. If you feel your implants may have been damaged, below we have provided an informative list of the proper steps you should take to prevent any further complications.

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Follow Up With Your Surgeon

Not only will a follow-up appointment help your surgeon know if your body is healing correctly, but they can also ensure that your implants are in good condition. You also want to periodically visit your doctor to make sure that your implants are not posing any health risks. Performing self-checks at home can also help you determine if your implants are still intact or if you need to see your doctor right away. Sometimes MRI screenings are recommended to evaluate certain types of implants.

Know How Long Your Implants Will Last

While breast implants are designed to last a very long time, they are not guaranteed to last a lifetime. The average saline or silicone implants typically last approximately 10 to 12 years. Many patients experience no complications with their implants for even longer. However, if your implants rupture, it is important to know what to look for depending on the type of implant you have.

  • Saline implants: These implants are typically filled with a sterile saltwater solution. When ruptured, the implant will deflate rather quickly, and you will notice an immediate change in the size and shape of your breasts.
  • Silicone implants: These implants are pre-filled with silicone gel and have a lower rate of rupture than saline implants. However, when silicone implants rupture, they are more difficult to detect.

Consider Breast Revision Surgery

Breast revision surgery is a procedure designed to correct complications from a previous breast augmentation. This procedure commonly involves the removal and/or replacement of saline or silicone breast implants after they have ruptured. Your surgeon will determine the best technique for you during your consultation.

To learn more about breast revision surgery or to determine if you are an ideal candidate, contact Dr. Ghere at her office at (225) 412-4774 or schedule a consultation with us online today!

Get In Touch

A little can go a long way, and it is never too late to make a change.

Mary Ghere, MD

Weiler Plastic Surgery

4212 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite A
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Phone: 225-399-0001

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